Distinguished guests, scientific workshops and groundbreaking research – the ELLIS Institute Tübingen’s Grand Opening is taking place. To start the week of festivities off, a workshop in collaboration with CIFAR takes place on Tuesday, 18th and Wednesday, 19th of June. On Thursday a scientific symposium with accomplished researchers like Turing award winner Yann LeCun, Max Welling and the Institute’s own Bernhard Schölkopf is planned. On Friday, the Grand Finale will be celebrated by representatives of Hector Foundation, the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg and the City of Tübingen. The ELLIS Institute Tübingen is set to become a world-renowned center for pioneering basic research in the field of artificial intelligence. The Institute aims to attract the world's best machine learning talent, providing them with outstanding conditions to conduct research in a state-of-the-art facility located in Tübingen, Germany. The successful story has only just begun.
The focus point of the Grand Opening is the scientific symposium on Thursday, 20th of June. The ELLIS Institute Tübingen is the first of its kind, endorsed by the ELLIS Network and funded by the Hector Foundation and the state of Baden-Württemberg – both of which will also be represented at the Grand Finale of the opening ceremony on Friday, 21st of June with Dr. h.c. Hans-Werner Hector, Minister Petra Olschowski and Max Planck President Patrick Cramer.
“The ELLIS Institute will advance modern AI – in Tübingen, embedded in European values. We want to attract the brightest talents to build a very special place for science”, says Bernhard Schölkopf.
The festivities start off strong beforehand: Special guests of the ELLIS Institute Tübingen are colleagues from CIFAR. A workshop featuring award winning scientists and accomplished specialists on AI will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Two full days the distinguished scientists will collaborate on topics on World Models: Causality, Neuroscience, and AI Safety at the Max-Planck-Institute for Intelligent Systems.
The institute looks forward to a successful opening and groundbreaking new collaborations.